As it comes in life, all good things come to an end, so your precious vehicle may be unusable anymore. There are many reasons for this, it can be that it was totaled in the car accident or that some crucial parts have failed and it came to be more costly to repair it than to buy a new one. No matter what is the reason that your car is no longer adequate for transport, there is a question of what to do with it, since you do not want for it to just sit in your garage.
1. In which condition is the car?
First what you need to do is to make sure that you know the reason why the car will not run, and if this can be fixed easily. This information is very important since it will give you an insight into the worth of the car. So, firstly take the car to the professional mechanics so they can give you information about the condition of the vehicle itself as well as the individual parts. In some cases, it may be too costly to fix the car, and you might be advised not to do it or to sell the parts individually. By knowing the value and the condition of the car, you may be more aware of its value and plan your budget in advance.
2. Selling

You may be tempted to sell the car, once you have learned its value. You can do this in two ways, to sell it yourself or use the service if the company that can do this.
When it comes to selling the card yourself, you need to think about the price. This means that you should be fair when it comes to this, and not set the price too high or too low. Most people will use this cash to invest in a new car, so, be true to yourself and the customers that will be interested in the car. Also, be honest when it comes to the state of the vehicle. Prepare all the papers, since it may pass just a few hours after setting the advertisement to find the buyer. When taking pictures of it to be sure to notice and present in detail all the malfunctions, this includes dents and scratches as well. Be sure to find the way you will transport the car from your location to the ones that have bought it. This means that you will need to set if the transport will be on your side, and will you pay for it or the one who has purchased the car. Be sure to state this when selling the car.
If you are not willing to sell it, you may want to do a trade for another vehicle with some amount of money that should be added. This can be a good thing, but be aware of the value of your s and the vehicle you are trading yours for. It is essential to check the info and the condition of the car you are trading you’re for and make sure that you have a good offer. If it seems like it is too good to be true, it must be, so be extra cautious.
You can do this over a special service that will give you the price they will take the car from you, organize the transport of the car from you to them. Here you will need to be careful, and know the worth of the car you are selling. Also, do not settle on the price that is too low, since the whole point is to sell the car and earn the money, and not to get ripped. In addition to this, be sure to do the research of the company you would like to use for this, and see if there are not some hidden costs in the services they are offering.
One of the companies that can be trusted is that can help you sort out the car sale and the transport from the location you are on. They provide the service and offer a very fast solution to the problem.
3. Donate

One of the things that come to all of our minds is the possibility of donating the car that won’t run. This is, of course, possible if the car is not totaled in car accidents and has other problems that perhaps can be fixed. Some prefer to donate the vehicle in order to help the ones in need since it may happen. If you would like to do this, be aware to prepare all the paperwork and find the organization to give it to. It is essential to state the true condition of it before giving it. Be sure that you are giving the car that is safe, and that can be dealt with safely since you want to have the ones that it is given safe and sound. When it comes to the donation be sure to form a written trail of the deed since you would like to have the paperwork for this too, in case something happens.

When it comes to the car that cannot be driven anymore there are few things that need to be done. Firstly, you will need to get the car checked by the licensed professional. This will allow you to learn more about the malfunction as well as see if the car can be sold and which price you can ask for it. Sometimes, the car can be sold in parts, and the licensed mechanic can advise you to do so if some parts are good and there is no point in preserving the car as a whole. Once you have learned about the value and what is wrong you may proceed in selling the car on your own or via the company that you can call to take it off your hands. If you do not want to sell it, you may consider donating it to charity or to some mechanical shop just to get it off your hands.