Many people rent trucks for various reasons. However, there are some pitfalls that it’s important to avoid and at least be aware of. Not every truck is right for you, and sometimes even another choice might be better. Truck rental companies want you to be happy with your choice because this leads to positive word of mouth from another happy customer too.
In this article, we look at what you should think about when renting a truck, including the pitfalls.
Bad Fuel Economy
Depending on how far you plan to travel with the truck and its cargo, it may be more or less fuel efficient. The costs can add up if you get too large a vehicle than you need with a bigger engine that is sucking down the fuel.
If you select a truck rental from a reliable company like, they have a good selection of truck makes, models and sizes to match up your requirements with their inventory to reduce operating costs. Usually, you want to look for one with a storage capacity of 15-20% more than what is needed to allow enough movement when loading up.
Not every truck has air conditioning built into it. Sometimes, there’s only a small fan on the dashboard to direct airflow around the cab. Depending on how many occupants are travelling, the interior may heat up faster than you expect. Without AC, the air can become stuffier too. Then you may need to roll down the windows to let some fresh air in along with fuel fumes and other exotic smells on the road.
Failing to Inspect the Vehicle
When renting a truck without inspecting it first, you’ve signed the paperwork and then it’s too late. There’s usually a check-sheet to go around the interior and exterior to markdown issues on the truck. This includes pre-existing scratches or dents, and problems with the interior too. Using a check-sheet ensures that there’s an agreement about the condition that the truck was rented in and what defects were present upon its return too.
When failing to inspect and use a check-sheet, it can lead to unfortunate disputes later. You also cannot disprove a suggestion that you created a dent or scratch.
Extra Charges
In certain industries, there’s less transparency on fees and other charges than there should be. It’s important when renting a truck to do so from a reputable company that cares about their brand’s reputation. This also matters with hidden fees because they’re more likely to have clear pricing to avoid customer confusion or upset. A less scrupulous rental company may charge whatever fees they can get away with and won’t care about customer happiness anywhere near as much.
When renting a truck, it pays to do so with some care and attention. This avoids renting a truck that’s too small or oversized for your needs, racking up a pricey fuel bill during its rental, or seeing extra surprise fees tacked on. Look for companies that care about their customers and their brand, and who wish to build long-term relationships for repeat business. They’re the best operators to rent a truck from.