“Are you a newbie and you would like to buy a deep cycle battery for your RV?” If you answer is “yes”, then you have to be cautious when choosing the correct RV battery because they are of different types and characteristics. This type of battery gives 30% extra cyclic life compared to the standby batteries hence making them worth your full attention when buying. Regardless of their prices, you need to ensure you get the best out of your battery. In this article, we are going to discuss the things to consider when selecting an RV battery. They include:
- The Cost
Sometimes, buying cheap doesn’t imply to cost minimizing, it can mean otherwise when you purchase a cheap RV battery as it will require extra frequent cost during maintenance. To avoid incurring extra maintenance cost, you’ll have no option than buying expensive but high-quality batteries. The lead acid battery is the cheapest but not good as gel cell battery, AGM battery or lithium ion battery.

- The of Battery type
The Make of RV battery determines its suitability. Some types are more affordable than others but they compromise the expected quality. RV batteries are of four types; AGM, gel cell, lead-acid and lithium-ion battery. The most available is lead-acid batteries but they need regular maintenance which rises the upkeep costs.
- Charge time taken when fully charging
The time that battery takes to charge a completely discharged batteries is of great concern. The longer the charging time the less suitable is an RV battery. The lead acid battery takes the longest of all RV batteries. That is, between 6 and 8 hours. The others take between 2 and 3hours to be completely charged. For those who wish to have short charge time, they should buy one of the three types.

- Maximum Discharge
Its the determinant of battery’s efficient. In deep cycle RV batteries, AGM and lead-acid rated the best having 50 % maximum discharge rate. The inefficient batteries regarding maximum discharge rate are gel cell and lithium-ion battery, that is, 80%. In case this is your concern is in power delivery, consider choosing from either AGM or lead-acid battery.
- Weight and Size
The heaviness or lightness of your RV battery really matters. The intention of using your battery determines this factor in large. If you intend to use the battery for outdoor activates, then the battery needs to be light for portability. The size also applies to the weight of your battery. These are the weighs for four types: lithium ion and gel cell battery: 20 pounds, lead-acid battery: 50 pounds. Consider choosing lithium ion or gel cell battery for less weight.
- Total Ah of available batteries
Ah is power a concern measured in amperes deliverable by a battery in 20 hours. The AGM and lead-acid batteries give 100Ah which is the highest compared to gel cell battery alongside lithium-ion battery at 62Ah.

- The number of cycles
Cycles in battery denote the how frequent you need to charge then discharge and recharge your battery. AGM, gel cell and Lead acid have their cycles at 1000. Lithium-ion at 2000 resulting in more service. In case you find the number of cycles crucial in determining your selection decision, then opt for a lithium-ion battery.
From above thing to consider when selecting a deep cycle battery for your RV, you can now settle to a decision of choosing the best option for your vehicle. Make sure you get the best out of your money by considering your best concern in RV batteries.